This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

Training material

E.g., 02/07/2025
E.g., 02/07/2025
When using the filter, please use both 'start' and 'end' fields

Data Science: State of the Art

Training material used during the hird International School on Open Science Cloud is “Intelligent Systems”

Software ecosystem for Data Science

Training materials used during the third International School on Open Science Cloud is “Intelligent Systems”

Introduction to Intelligent Infrastructures

Training materials used during the third International School on Open Science Cloud is “Intelligent Systems”

Introduction to Jupyter and Open Science - Training @ EaPEC 2019

Materials for the tutorial that was given in Yerevan on September 27, 2019.The tutorial was 2x90 minutes long.
Web page and abstract about the Open Science training is available at:

MD refinement and simulations

Training materials used during the INSTRUCT training course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data, Florence IT

Structural biology: towards an integrated model

Training material used during the INSTRUCT training course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data, Florence IT

Model building in electron density map

Training materials used during the INSTRUCT training course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data, Florence IT

Deliverable 5.4 Initial Training Materials

This interim report describes the approach taken to creating training materials in the FREYA project and provides an overview of the materials created and links to them. Up to this point in the project the team has migrated and update the FREYA Knowledge Hub to a new location on FREYA has also collaborated with a wide range of stakeholders, including other European projects, to broaden the reach of the training materials and co-organise events which appeal to a broader audience, including co-organising several joint events and creating a guide on personal identifiers. The report also discusses the successes and challenges encountered in creating training materials thus far. In the next six months, prior to submission of the final report, the project will evaluate the training materials created and refine them where possible to better suit users’ needs.The sustainability of the Knowledge Hub content will also be addressed. In addition, with the ongoing development of the PID Graph, further materials will be created to support early adopters and all events will be evaluated to inform and improve future events.

SCIPION Instruct

Training material for the event: "INSTRUCT training course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data, Florence IT"

HADDOCK Instruct

Training material for the "INSTRUCT training course: Advanced methods for the integration of diverse structural data, Florence IT"
