This is a website for an H2020 project which concluded in 2019 and established the core elements of EOSC. The project's results now live further in and

EOSC Portal: One Year On

A look back as the prototype achieves its first year live 

More than €400 million has been invested by the European Commission since 2017 in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative and the launch of the EOSC Portal as a prototype of the EOSC in November last year provided a glimpse on what the finished product could look like by the end of 2020.

EOSC Marketplace

An integral part of the EOSC Portal is the EOSC Marketplace, powered by EOSC-hub, piloting an integrated platform that allows to order services and resources for various research domains along with easy access to integrated data analytics tools. As of September 2019, the EOSC Marketplace has received a total of 160 service orders. On average, the portal receives 10,000 page views every month from almost 2,400 monthly visitors. 

Service Onboarding

The EOSC Marketplace has received almost 100 applications from service providers for their services to be included in the EOSC Marketplace resulting in 87 total services from 99 service providers. Requests received for inclusion to the EOSC Marketplace: 92 Applications Received (as of 4 October).


 Total services available in the EOSC Marketplace: 87 services (as of 24 October)

 Service providers in the EOSC Marketplace: 99 service providers (as of 24 October)




Diversity of Offering

True to its essence, the EOSC Marketplace provides a diverse service offering spanning multiple service types and research areas.

Types of services

  • Compute Services: 23
  • Data Management Services: 22
  • Networking Services: 2
  • Processing and Analysis Services: 36
  • Security and Operations Services: 6
  • Sharing and Discovery Services: 19
  • Storage Services: 17
  • Training and Support Services: 8

Services and Research Areas

  • Interdisciplinary Services: 50
  • Humanities services: 17
  • Social Sciences services: 25
  • Engineering and Technology services: 7
  • Support Activities services: 5
  • Medical and Health Sciences services: 4
  • Natural Sciences services: 32

What’s next?

From this year, a new project, EOSC Enhance, has been funded to enhance the EOSC Portal and connect existing thematic clouds to the portal. Together with the existing EOSC implementation projects and the recently funded regional EOSC projects (EOSC-Pillar, EOSC Nordic, EOSCsynergy and NI4OS-Europe) we expect the next year of the EOSC Portal to be marked by further improvements to the marketplace and an improvement to the service offering of EOSC and the overall usability of the portal. 

Disclaimer: The data shown in this article, particularly regarding the types of services and research areas pertain only to the EOSC Portal Marketplace and does not include services included in the EOSC Portal Catalogue.